Feb 10, 1996 CE: Computer Defeats Chess Champion

Feb 10, 1996 CE: Computer Defeats Chess Champion

On February 10, 1996, Deep Blue became the first computer to win a chess game against a reigning world chess champion.


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On February 10, 1996, Deep Blue became the first computer to win a chess game against a reigning world chess champion, Gary Kasparov. Chess matches include several individual games, however, and Kasparov went on to win three (and tie two) of the next five games. Deep Blue was programmed by scientists at IBM specifically to defeat a world chess champion, and a team of programmers and chess experts updated the supercomputer after each game. Deep Blue was capable of calculating up to 200 million positions per second. Kasparov and Deep Blue met again a year later, when the supercomputer defeated the chess champion in a full match. Many observers worried about a machine’s intellectual defeat of a human being, while others were encouraged by the result. IBM, at least, was thrilled. Said IBM developer Gabby Silberman, “We’ve shown what technology can do in complex problems such as chess and the same technology will serve us in many other ways as well.”

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National Geographic Society
National Geographic Society
Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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