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Explorer ClassroomAGE 9-14 / Grade 3-8

Exploring the Ocean | Mattie Rodrigue

Mattie has traveled the globe, studying some of the most remote and least explored areas of the ocean including the Red Sea and the Arctic Ocean. Join her to learn about Ocean Exploration!
December 09, 2021 10:00 AM ET
About this Event

A native of Arizona, Mattie spent her childhood soaking up science, inspecting all of the bugs, reptiles and rocks that the desert has to offer. At the young age of 11, after a field trip on which she first observed sea stars and invertebrate ocean animals, Mattie knew she wanted to dedicate her life to studying the ocean. 

With OceanX, Mattie has traveled the globe, studying some of the most remote and least explored areas of the ocean including the Red Sea and the Arctic Ocean. As Science Program Lead, Mattie is responsible for building science programming, developing relationships with research and science partners and using the scientific capabilities of OceanX's research vessel, OceanXplorer, to do the most innovative and groundbreaking science possible and share it with the world.

Mattie has extensive experience in ocean exploration initiatives, marine science research, program development and facilitation. She is incredibly passionate about ocean science and education and believes deeply that if humans can understand their impact on the oceans, they will develop the policies to protect them. Before joining OceanX, Mattie worked at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), presenting all over the world including on the floor of the UN Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission to support diplomatic efforts to expand ocean education.

Students will learn about ocean science, hear behind-the-scenes stories of exploration, then have THEIR questions answered in real time. This event is recommended for middle school students and is also offered at 2:00pm Eastern; please register for the event that works best for your class!

How to Participate

#ExplorerClassroom is for everyone! All events are free.

There are two ways to participate in the virtual event, as a featured class on screen or watching live on YouTube. If space is available, you may request to be a featured class during the registration process.

December 09, 2021
10:00 AM ET
How to Watch
Watch live via Youtube or participate on screen with Zoom. Register for details on how to join.