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Explorer ClassroomAGE 4-8 / Grade Pre-K-2

Hearing Nemo | Isla Keesje Davidson

How do coral reef fish listen, smell, and see each other in the ocean around them? Join Explorer Isla Keesje Davidson to learn how fish use all their senses to communicate with each other across busy coral reefs.
May 24, 2021 11:00 AM ET
About this Event

Have you ever wondered how fish see the world? Join marine biologist Isla Keesje Davidson for an exploration of senses and a close look at the busy environments on coral reefs. 

Students will take a look under the ocean and into a coral reef, where thousands of fish squeak, grunt and sing. Where they dazzle each other with special signals and pass secret codes from one another to find shelter, escape dangerous predators, thrive and survive. 

This event is recommended for student groups ages 4-8. Students can join live and ask Isla their questions! 

How to Participate

#ExplorerClassroom is for everyone! All events are free.

There are two ways to participate in the virtual event, as a featured class on screen or watching live on YouTube. If space is available, you may request to be a featured class during the registration process.

May 24, 2021
11:00 AM ET
How to Watch
Watch live via Youtube or participate on screen with Zoom. Register for details on how to join.